A long standing tradition at MEPSA is the production of an annual book presenting Championship results, along with club news and informed articles that help to advance model equine photo showing. Included may be Topics or articles on equine breeds and performance, on photography, or on model horses.
MEPSA serves halter showers of Original finish plastic and china, Artist Resin, and custom model equines, as well as performance showers, providing a competitive series of seasonal qualifying shows culminating in an International Championship. In order to maintain the high standard of quality of our keepsake “Championship” book we need quality articles. We know there is plenty of knowledge in the hobby, and we want to tap into that. This year, no one ran for the office of book coordinator. Therefore we need to start putting the book together early, so as not to hold up publication after the championship!
SO.. We are holding an exciting contest for article submissions!This contest will close at the end of January, so DON’T WAIT!
Articles can be on anything model or horse related that would be relevant to model equine photo showing.
The best article chosen by an impartial judge (entries will be anonymous) will win a
$100 gift certificate for a Stone Design-A-Horse model!
Go to Stone Horses!
Articles must be original and the author must be able to assign publication rights for the article and photos to MEPSA.
The championship show book is a publication that will be available for sale through Lulu (a small publisher).
The text (3000 words or less) should be provided as a .doc or .txt file and the photos should be submitted as separate .jpg files. File names should include your last name with a serial number (example: Jones1.jpg) Send the articles to Elizabeth Jones at:
Advice to writers:
Write about what you know best! How can your knowledge be applied to model equine photo showing? Here are some examples of the kinds of articles we would like to see:
· Describe an unusual breed(s) [example: an article on Australian horse breeds] and which models make a good fit
. How would you customize a model to better represent it?
· Choose a breed and discuss conformation/character of various molds that could be shown as that breed.
(For example the many Morgan models or TB models: which ones make the best models and the specific conformation faults we should consider)
· Model breed assignment
· Western Performance classes
· Photography tricks
· The making of artist resins: who are the artists?
· You name it!
Do your research- take your pictures ...
this is your chance to get published.
A qualified judge will choose the best article, and what a great prize!
We will publish as many articles as we can. MEPSA reserves the right to use any articles unpublished in 2011 in subsequent years.
To be included in the contest, articles must be received by Elizabeth in digital form by the end of January! If you do not receive confirmation, please contact me.
The fine print:
When you submit your article and pictures, you assign MEPSA the right to publish the material in print or on the web.
Full acknowledgement will be given for authorship and photography.
If the material is published elsewhere (in print or on the web), this should be disclosed when you submit your article.
You must obtain the rights to publish images that do not belong to you.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
MEPSA Stablemate custom contest- VOTE for your favorite!
THANK YOU to all our entrants for supporting MEPSA
Model Equine Photo Shower's Association
These great horses are destined to be awards for our Championship show entrants!
Entry 1
By Carissa Kirksey, Artist, sculptor and MEPSA shower-
Spruce Wood Farm-

Entry 2
By Elizabeth Jones- MEPSA shower and President

Entry 3
By Suzanne Francis- Artist
Model horses painted in oils-other art in oil and pen ink-

Entry 4- 3rd place WINNER
By Rita (Menard) Baker- Artist and MEPSA shower/judge Rita has a Gallery at Model HorseGallery:

Entry 5- 1st place WINNER
By Karen Dietrich- Artist and MEPSA founder, current webmanager Karen has a website at: and a Gallery at Model Horse Gallery:

Entry 6
By Lindy Pinkham- Artist specializing in etchies and gorgeous custom tack- check her ads on MH$P

Entry 7
By Catriona Burt- Artist- Chestnut Ridge- Catriona has a website at:

Entry 8
By Laurel Dedes- I had fun!

Entry 9
By Mary Lineman- Artist and MEPSA shower-
Mary's first attempt at an etched model!

Entry 10
By Elizabeth Jones- Artist and current MEPSA President-

Entry 11 - 2nd place WINNER
By Emily Dunnan- Artist-
Equus Eldoris Studios-MH$P ads:

Entry 12
By Yvonne (Davey) Stevens- Equine Fine Artist and
Yvonne has a yahoogroups list at: -
and a webshots album:

Entry 13
By Karen Dietrich- Artist and MEPSA founder, current webmanager
Karen has a website at: and a Gallery at Model Horse Gallery:

Entry 14
By Lindy Pinkham- Artist specializing in etchies and gorgeous custom tack- check her ads on MH$P

Entry 15
By Catriona Burt- Artist- Chestnut Ridge- Catriona has a website at:

Entry 16
By Cassie Black- Artist
Cassie Black Creations
Andover, KS 67002,
Website at:

Entry 17
And mine again! No one liked my Bat horse best, but he was great fun to do!

Model Equine Photo Shower's Association
These great horses are destined to be awards for our Championship show entrants!
Spruce Wood Farm- Rita has a Gallery at Model HorseGallery: Karen has a website at: and a Gallery at Model Horse Gallery: check her ads on MH$P Catriona has a website at:

Mary's first attempt at an etched model!
Equus Eldoris Studios-MH$P ads:

Yvonne has a yahoogroups list at: -
and a webshots album:

Karen has a website at: and a Gallery at Model Horse Gallery: check her ads on MH$P Catriona has a website at:

Andover, KS 67002,
Website at:

Monday, November 1, 2010
MEPSA Stablemate custom contest entries coming soon!
The Stablemate customizing contest for MEPSA has attracted many wonderful entries! I've been really astounded. I'd love to win any of these great little horses, and I know all our Championship showers will love them. The deadline has come for submission, but some are still in transit. I'll get them all posted for judging by mid-November, and announce on the lists and MH$P. They will be here, and judging will be here- open to everyone!
Thanks for supporting MEPSA!
Thanks for supporting MEPSA!
Saturday, August 14, 2010
The finish artist - Lisa Rivera Shepard
Lisa did this Sandicast prize horse totally as an Artist Choice. I got a ton of comments on how wonderful he was, and I know he helped us attact the great tack entries we got. You can contact Lisa at and see her customs for sale, periodically, on MH$P ( Lisa even made sure this Paint was shod, so Karelin can saddle him up for the ride into the western sunset!

Bridle section WINNER and makers revealed!
And the winner is: Jennifer Buxton of Braymere Saddlery! Jennifer made this detailed gaming bridle for MEPSA, where she is familiar to fellow showers for not only her excellent tack, but her great photo set-ups. Jennifer has a popular and very interesting blog at She is usually busy with commission work, but if you're very lucky, you may be able to find a spot on her list.

Mary Lineman made this stock show halter and lead rope in a really pretty, soft, light leather, with silver buckle accent. The lead rope is nice and long, so you can position your handler lots of ways. Mary usually only produces tack for herself, but her success in the contest might mean she'll make some available for sale before long. Thank you, Mary!

Here is an authentic and lovely Russian historical bridle- the kind you may see on a Don horse, ridden by nobility. I have seen this in person, and I can't tell you how truly beautiful it is! Jill Aman made this for us at MEPSA. You can see her astounding gallery of work here: on her website. I was amazed as I checked out all the neat things there!
"Russian Rapture"
A historical Muscovite Boyar bridle with leadline for light warmblood type horses.
Large Traditional size- made on the Peter Stone Thoroughbred but also fits Lonesome Glory/Proud Arabian Stallion/similar large-headed horses. Not for horses with wide-set ears
Simulated gilted copper (gold leather) with dark brown leather straps
Many dozens of individual decorations- gold sharksteeth tops w/ handpainted semiprecious "stones"
Fancy browband and noseband medallions with Ro Rondo conchos and Swarovski crystals
18 goldtone drops on bridle
Working fancy tongue buckles
Armored silver painted metal reins
Cast snaffle bit
Red leather leadline is over 1 foot long

This excellently designed and fitted Chips scale halter was entered by Stephanie Michel. This was a prototype she had done, and then has not had time to do any more tack. You may know Stephanie for her gorgeous custom work! Thank you Stephanie, for supporting MEPSA!

The black set of bridle and breastcollar is by Gabrielle Holst-Kirkegaard, a MEPSA shower, as well as a tackmaker. She has made many brdle and breastcollar sets in different colors and designs. Gabrielle also does web design- her site is:

Mary Lineman made this stock show halter and lead rope in a really pretty, soft, light leather, with silver buckle accent. The lead rope is nice and long, so you can position your handler lots of ways. Mary usually only produces tack for herself, but her success in the contest might mean she'll make some available for sale before long. Thank you, Mary!

Here is an authentic and lovely Russian historical bridle- the kind you may see on a Don horse, ridden by nobility. I have seen this in person, and I can't tell you how truly beautiful it is! Jill Aman made this for us at MEPSA. You can see her astounding gallery of work here: on her website. I was amazed as I checked out all the neat things there!
"Russian Rapture"
A historical Muscovite Boyar bridle with leadline for light warmblood type horses.
Large Traditional size- made on the Peter Stone Thoroughbred but also fits Lonesome Glory/Proud Arabian Stallion/similar large-headed horses. Not for horses with wide-set ears
Simulated gilted copper (gold leather) with dark brown leather straps
Many dozens of individual decorations- gold sharksteeth tops w/ handpainted semiprecious "stones"
Fancy browband and noseband medallions with Ro Rondo conchos and Swarovski crystals
18 goldtone drops on bridle
Working fancy tongue buckles
Armored silver painted metal reins
Cast snaffle bit
Red leather leadline is over 1 foot long

This excellently designed and fitted Chips scale halter was entered by Stephanie Michel. This was a prototype she had done, and then has not had time to do any more tack. You may know Stephanie for her gorgeous custom work! Thank you Stephanie, for supporting MEPSA!

The black set of bridle and breastcollar is by Gabrielle Holst-Kirkegaard, a MEPSA shower, as well as a tackmaker. She has made many brdle and breastcollar sets in different colors and designs. Gabrielle also does web design- her site is:

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