MEPSA Prop making contest
yahoogroup= mepsa-list
blog= http://modelequines.blogspot.com/
MEPSA is holding a model horse prop making contest as a MEPSA Benefit. This contest is open to ALL. Winner will be decided by popular vote. Voting will be open to ALL. One person = one vote. All entries will be posted on the Model Equine blog, where voting will occur. This is a great way to get your work shown to a potentially huge audience, win a great award, and help MEPSA put on a terrific Championship show.
Contest Rules
1) All props must be put together by the entrant, but it may consist of purchased parts, or parts by another artist, with acknowledgment. Of course, the entire prop may also be completely handmade by the entrant. The prop entry may be previously made, or made especially for this contest. Each entrant may enter either one or two props.
2) Prop maker may enter any type prop (Game prop, Backdrop, Trail, etc) in any scale, and the prop may be anything, ranging from a pair of potted plants to a complete Traditional jump set-up. We do ask that your entry fit in a small flat rate USPS box, or be one pound or less.
3) All finished props may have a clear digital or scanned photo sent in to MEPSA- Laurel Dedes- dserthorse@aol.com MEPSA’s Championship Show Coordinator, Carolyn Bailey, will do the photographs for you if needed, when we get the entry, please inquire. Your entry will be judged on the basis of the photo, so a good photo set-up can help your entry win.
4) ALL entered props become property of MEPSA to raise funds or use as Championship show awards. This is a MEPSA Benefit contest. Prop maker must send the finished prop/s to MEPSA upon completion- Carolyn Bailey, 971 Trailside Ln, Bartlett, IL 60103-5159 at their own expense. There is no other fee to enter.
5) Entries are accepted on the condition that the entrant take all reasonable action to preserve their anonymity until the end of the voting. Publication of the contest as a whole is encouraged, but all entrants are prohibited from using any mailing lists, social media or other mass communication methods to identify the artist associated with any entry before or during voting. Any entrant found to be violating the spirit of keeping artists unnamed during the active contest, or asking others to do so for them, risks disqualification. MEPSA is aware that family or friends may know, but they should be requested to also keep the spirit of the contest, and preserve the anonymity of the entrant(s).
6) The winner of the contest will be awarded their CHOICE of one of these- a brand NIB Enchanted Forest jumping pony, OR a custom etched Stablemate by Corina Roberts, OR an Appaloosa custom Stablemate Pacer by Karen Dietrich! Wow! You may see photos of the customs at the blog: http://modelequines.blogspot.com.

7) The contest will be publicized heavily on the Internet and in model horse groups. Please help spread the word!
8) Deadline for producing your prop and entering it is April 10th, 2011. Voting will take place at the end of April or the beginning of May. We will accept entries from now until April 10th.
9) MEPSA appreciates an intent to enter statement as soon as you determine that you will enter, sent to Laurel Dedes- dserthorse@aol.com This is not binding, but will give us an idea how many entries to expect.

Thank you!